
Citizen Journalists Share Experiences with Students at PeoPo Campus News Centers

2013/05/21 16:47
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Citizen Journalists Share Experiences with Students at PeoPo Campus News Centers

In order to further deepen the concept of citizen journalism in campuses around Taiwan, PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform in collaboration with Chang Jung Christian University has jointly raised the “New Force in the Rise of Media” forum. Citizen journalist ‘KuKuSao’(酷酷嫂) was invited along to exchange ideas with students, and spread the concept of citizen journalism. It is hoped that though this kind of exchange even more people will join the growing ranks of citizen journalists, protecting one’s homeland through searching the nooks and crannies for stories that count.

In the view of KuKuSao, ‘concern’ is the sine qua non of a good citizens journalist, for without this, one lacks the power of observation to go and uncover stories in the local community. After citizen journalists on campus put forward a number of problems in connection with news production, it was clear that a new chapter of exchange and learning had been opened between citizen journalists on both sides of the campus fence.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by PeoPo Webcast


公民記者分享經驗 與校園採訪中心學子交流








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