
Campus Editor’s-in-Chief Meeting – Learning Through Exchange

2013/05/14 17:23
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Campus Editor’s-in-Chief Meeting – Learning Through Exchange

PeoPo Campus News Centers were set up as a joint collaboration between PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform and a number of news-dissemination related university departments. Each year, editors-in-chief from the various schools converge at the annual PTS Campus Editor’s-in-Chief Meeting, where a rundown on the operational situation at their campus is given.

At this year’s 10th Campus Editor’s-in-Chief Meeting, which was conducted in a “World Café” style, students discussed issues related to citizen journalism, as well as conveying their standpoint in regards to problems related to news coverage. Taking ‘Our Land’ as the theme, this year’s meeting also incorporated a new campus report contest, which not only provoked an enthusiastic response, but also exhibited great dedication and industriousness from the students - using the lens to jointly care for the surrounding community.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by PeoPo Webcast


校園總編輯會議 各校觀摩交流






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