
Banana growers scramble to cash in on soaring prices

2013/05/14 17:21
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As a result of the continued rise of banana prices over the last year, banana growers the length and breadth of the country look like the proverbial cat that got the cream, delighting in their bulging wallets. Optimistic about the future, southern Taiwanese banana growers are currently in the ‘rush-planting’ period, and in Chiayi District (嘉義) alone, the area of planted bananas has tripled from that of last year, leading to an extreme shortage of banana saplings.

However, it appears that as banana groves expand into a veritable banana forests, government departments have yet to fully grasp the state of affairs, and have allowed farmers to continue ‘rush-planting.’

In the year before last, banana prices were so low that banana growers felt compelled to make a trip north to protest outside the Council of Agriculture (COA), demanding that the government purchase their surplus of bananas. However, for the whole of last year, banana prices remained high, and at the current price of US$1 per kilogram, it is understandable why banana growers are so excited; worrying some, however, is that the current rush-planting frenzy will have adverse consequences.

Wholesaler Mr. Chen worries that six months down the line, when the banana production will be several times that of now, the price trend may suddenly begin to plummet.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Banana growers scramble to cash in on soaring prices 




香蕉價俏 農民搶種埋隱憂 影音






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