Taoyuan’s Lanpu Villagers fight to oppose piggery
Over the past decade, Taoyuan County Government (桃園縣府) has continually encouraged the development of the local ‘Lotus Leisure Industry’ in Guanyin Township, and at present there is growing interest in ‘Agritourism’. After laying such a stable foundation for development, no one expected Taoyuan County Government to pass plans that would allow the building of a piggery at the very heart of the area’s ‘Lotus Leisure Industry’. The CJ calls into question such contradictory policies that clearly disregard the safety of people's lives and property. In light of the aforementioned policies, Taoyuan County Commissioner John Wu’s (吳志揚縣長) use of the county slogan ‘Love and Harmony,’ has become his greatest work of satire to date.
PeoPo 公民新聞 by 大堀溪小兵
誓死保衛家園 大堀藍埔村民反養豬場進駐