
Lanyu’s Dong Qing village

2013/05/14 17:18
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Without first obtaining a consensus from local villagers, Lanyu Township Office Chief Duo-li Jiang (江多利), has tried to force through plans to build a ready-mix concrete plant. In response to a series of local government backed commercial developments devoid of environmental impact assessments (EIA) or any form of public notification, which have wantonly destroyed the beautiful east coast, local tribespeople of all ages have begun to defiantly stand up and defend their cherished homeland; citizens nationwide are requested to take heed.

On May 6, after local tribespeople received notification that Lanyu Township Office wished to convene a communication meeting, everyone put aside their work at hand, and proceeded towards Dong Qing Activity Center (東清活動中心) in the hope they would be given the opportunity to express their opinions towards the proposed ready-mix concrete plant. The villagers do not understand why Lanyu, which already has two such plants, needs to build a third one, or why indeed it appears that Lanyu locals themselves seem intent on destroying the island.

At the meeting, the township office chief explained that since the piece of land in question had been abandoned for an extended period of time, and that the villagers apparently had no plans of using it, he decided to make plans for the building of a ready-mix concrete plant. In spite of the villagers’ opposition to plans for the ready-mix concrete plant, the township office chief insisted that the plan should go ahead, resulting in discord between opposing sides. In reference to the ‘abandoned’ piece of land, local tribespeople said that not every piece of land must be planted throughout the year; in the period when nothing has been planted, the land has time to rest – this, they declare, does not equate to being ‘abandoned.’

PeoPo 公民新聞 by claudia

Lanyu’s Dong Qing village




5月6日部落臨時收到公所要辦理溝通會議,大家放下手中工作集合到東清活動中心,希望透過溝通會,表達對於蓋水泥預拌廠的想法。村民不明白為什麼蘭嶼己經有兩間水泥廠了,還要再蓋第三廠,為什麼是蘭嶼人自己在破壞蘭嶼這塊土地。鄉長說明,那塊土地荒廢己久,既然村民不使用,就規劃為水泥預拌廠用地。在溝通協調會上,村民全部反對設置水泥預拌廠,但是鄉長執意執行,溝通協調會不歡而散。 針對鄉長所謂「荒廢」的土地,部落居民認為,不是每一塊土地一定要一年四季種植,現在這塊土地沒有種植作物,是讓土地休息,並不是荒廢。



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