
Local police office attempts to invade public park

2013/05/07 10:43
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Protect Xinzhuang’s Ecology Alliance (守護新莊綠地生態聯盟) said that this year New Taipei City Government announced its plan to build an new police office in order to meet the needs of Xinzhuang’s growing population; the fact that the implementation of this plan will not only destroy the local characteristic of the local wetland park, but mean that Xinzhuang, a district already lacking in urban parks, will lose yet another invaluable green urban space, is a cause for great alarm.

Currently, as a number of urban parks in Xinzhuang under the jurisdiction of New Taipei City Government are classified as "multi-use," they seem set to be destroyed one by one; it is rumored that a plan to build a ‘cloud-computing industrial park’ in Public Park No.1 is already under way; a ‘vision museum’ has already been built in Public Park No.3; and now a police station is to be constructed in Wenzaidi Wetland Park (塭仔底溼地公園).

On the basis of these developments, Public Park No.4 will most likely follow in the footsteps of the other parks. Consequently, the development of the current planning application for Wenzaidi Wetland Park is of critical importance. Should citizens fail to fight, and simply allow a police station to be built in Wenzaidi Wetland Park, the fate of the remaining urban parks no doubt lie beneath the oppressive weight of building cement. In the future, with such land planning and decision-making procedures, the hundreds and thousands of people who live in Xinzhuang seem set to lose access to green spaces. In theory, Xinzhuang residents do not object to the building of a new police station, but feel it improper for related government bureaus and departments to consent to a project that negligently failed to submit a clear and comprehensive plan prior to the implementation of the new city development project.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by dino.utopia

Local police office attempts to invade public park







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