
Mustard Seed Mission provides first-rate living conditions for retirees

2013/05/02 10:19
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Hualian resident, grandmother Que Su-lian (闕素蓮) and her husband have been coming to the Mustard Seed Mission (芥菜種會) for a year and a half, and this year her husband became a volunteer at the mission. The Mustard Seed Mission, which has been operating a daycare center for the last five years, strives to provide care to elderly Hualian residents over the age of sixty-five.

In 1981, after the Christian-based Mustard Seed Mission opened a nursing school in Hualien, elderly local residents gradually began to enjoy proper nursing services, providing elderly residents without a family, a place to spend their twilight years in peace. Unfortunately, due to space limitations, bed availability was extremely restricted and so the mission began to develop an elderly daycare center and meal-delivery service. Participants at the mission’s elderly learning club and the daycare center have gradually increased, many of who are in extremely good health. Each week, staff at the daycare center prepares a range of activities aimed at improving the lives of elderly participants.

In addition, as health factors prevent some elderly from participating in activities at the daycare center and elderly learning club, volunteers are required to help in providing medical care, as well as assist in their daily living requirements. Mustard Seed Mission sends these indispensible volunteers to provide regular care, and from Monday to Friday, also operates a meal-delivery service. In order to solve the problem of insufficient volunteer numbers, the mission trains healthy elderly participants to become volunteers. These volunteers are encouraged to share their unique life experience and expertise with other seniors, and take care of those elderly who are disabled or living alone.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 輔大生命力新聞

Mustard Seed Mission provides first-rate living conditions for retirees




芥菜種會 打造美好退休生活







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