
Meiliwan Resort Hotel’s game of words

2013/03/12 17:56
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On the 5th March, at the Fushan Village Activity Center in Beinan Township, Taitung County, a public meeting was held to look at issues concerning the resumption of building work at Meiliwan Resort Hotel (美麗灣渡假村). Although, the majority of local attendees were in their thirties upwards, the developer failed to acknowledge the need for a translator to clearly explain the content of proceedings in either the local Ami dialect or Taiwanese, and instead used Mandarin Chinese.
The developer is currently focused on installing hotel equipment, carrying out external landscaping works as well as related preparations before operating. The CJ observed that before the end of the morning session of the meeting, Meiliwan Resort car park began to fill with construction vehicles, materials and construction personnel; it seems time is of the essence!
Meiliwan Resort representative Lin Hong-che (林弘哲) said the resort was designed ‘ in harmony with the local environment’. However, after some investigation, the CJ ascertained that the hotel swimming pool has been build within reach of the ocean waves – not a great selling point!
Meiliwan Resort Hotel Co has stressed that Taitung County residents will be permitted to enjoy the ‘clean and safe’ beach completely free, but residents from other counties will be required to pay - “users have to pay.” In the future, should you wish to enjoy the area around Meiliwan Resort Hotel, even though you don’t eat, drink, use toilet facilities, or trouble any of the hotel staff, you will most certainly be required to pay. "Every room in the hotel enjoys panoramic views over the beautiful Shanyuan Bay (杉原灣),” stressed Lin Hong-che. The CJ pointed out that even though generations of local residents have enjoyed the same beautiful views over Shanyuan Bay, it seems that now that Meiliwan Resort Hotel has been constructed, this view has suddenly become a commodity, which will be controlled and sold off. It seems that in the eyes of Meiliwan Resort Hotel ‘cultural identity’ is nothing more than a means of profiteering.
With regards to pollution control measures, Meiliwan Resort Hotel emphasizes that the hotel will merely generate ‘everyday’ wastewater, and that there will be no industrial pollution. However, with over 100 employees and 80 rooms, the large amount of wastewater that will inevitably be generated by hundreds of tourists is very alarming. The hotel emphasized that except for “torrential rains, typhoons and other emergency situations,” all wastewater will be treated and recycled to effectively protect the local ecological environment. Unfortunately, the hotel failed to elaborate on the meaning of ‘other emergency situations’, and just what potential damage these may cause.
Meiliwan Resort Hotel Co stresses the protection of four main areas: local cultural identity; environment and ecology; employment opportunities; and public interest. However, ‘employment opportunities’ at Meiliwan Resort Hotel do not amount to ‘employment guarantees.’ The outcome of Taitung County Government’s first BOT venture, which has become an embarrassing fiasco, is something everyone awaits!


Meiliwan Resort Hotel’s game of words











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