
Revamp of Yingge’s Wenhua Rd reaps third-rate results

2013/03/06 16:20
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PeoPo推 0

In a bid to improve the overall image of Yingge District as well as tourist accessibility, since 2011, New Taipei City Government has been implementing an upgrade of the pedestrian sidewalk in Wenhua Rd. However, only a year after the completion of this development project, which spent a large amount of public funds, many concrete pillars lay broken and the ‘pedestrian sidewalk’ has been reduced to nothing more than private parking for local stores, forcing pedestrians to compete with cars for space in the busy narrow road.

This development project stretches from Yingge Train Station, from where a pedestrian sidewalk has been constructed to offer tourists easier access to Yingge Old Street, Yingge Ceramics Museum and Sanyin Arts Village, as well as various other attractions. However, a glut of crooked and collapsing cement columns are clearly visible. On inspection, one concrete column that had been recently knocked down was measured to have a base depth of only 5 to 8 cm and contain no steel reinforcement bars; the fallen column had ironically been ‘put to good use’ as a platform for flower arranging by the adjacent shop owners.

Although there are numerous signposts warning the public that parking cars on the walkway is forbidden, there are no shortage of cars and scooters blocking the walkway, and local residents seem to be using the sidewalk for private purposes. At one place, concrete barriers straddle the sidewalk leaving not even room for a wheelchair to pass through, at another, the local Farmers’ Association has circled the area of sidewalk outside its offices with chains, turning it into a private courtyard. In light of the fact that locals have turned the pedestrian sidewalk into private parking spaces that leaves no space for pedestrians, it seems clear that a huge amount of public money has been squandered. This raises series questions as to the efficacy of such government building projects.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 藍天採訪組

Revamp of Yingge’s Wenhua Rd reaps third-rate results


鶯歌文化路空間改造 施政成果豆腐渣製造







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