A School on Wheels
Ellen is a South African who came to Taiwan in 2009 to be with her Taiwanese husband. She loves teaching English, and after receiving a CELTA certificate from Cambridge University in South Africa, she went on to obtain a Master’s Degree from the English Department at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). After discovering that native Taiwanese overemphasize English grammar, and that most schools tend to focus solely on preparing students to pass exams, Ellen sought to provide a different kind of learning experience.
However, without a Taiwanese driving license, Ellen has to rely on her trusty bicycle to get around, carrying her teaching material and bags of youthful enthusiasm to her classes. Day and night, Ellen can be spotted cycling on her beloved Mini Cooper, shuttling back and forth in the backstreets of Kaohsiung City. Ellen enthusiastically stresses the guiding principles of her teaching style: Instructive – teaching with clear direction; International – connecting with the global village; and Inspirational – tapping into the student’s hidden potential; three pillars that will hopefully nurture many seedlings of practical English.
A School on Wheels
Ellen,南非華裔,為了追隨老公,在2009年隻身來台。Ellen喜歡教英語,在南非取得CELTA certificate from Cambridge University,來到台灣,又繼續攻讀高師大英語系碩士班。當她發現台灣人學英文太重視文法,學校教的英文偏重在應付考試時,就期望為台灣人上不一樣的英語課。然而,因為沒有國際駕照,ellen出門只能以腳踏車代步。腳踏車上有她自編的教材、有她的年輕熱忱。無論晨昏,只見她獨自一人騎著她的迷你腳踏車,穿梭於高雄市的大街小巷,為了英語教學,堅持不輟。因為她對生命的熱情,她相信她的教學理念「Instructive(有方向的教導)、International(與國際接軌)、Inspirational(啟發潛能)」,總有一天,可以在台灣這塊土地上生根發芽。