
Rinari Permanent Housing Community receive ownership rights

2013/02/19 16:12
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On 25th December 2010, the 438 families of Rinari Permanent Housing Community in Pingtung moved into their new homes: 174 families in Dashe Village, Sandimen Township; 177 families in Haocha Village, Wutai Township; and 132 families in Majia Village, Majia Township. Disaster victims have long awaited this day, when home ownership rights would finally be passed to them. World Vision Taiwan, the body responsible for the construction process, has worked unceasingly to overcome lengthy and tedious administrative procedures in order to transfer the ownership of the permanent houses to the new tenants.

Finally, at the beginning of this year, 42 families completed the transfer procedure and were ready to obtain permanent housing ownership title deeds. On the morning of January 21st, after living in the community for near on two and a half years, the house title deeds were officially handed over to 42 families, stimulating a response from other families who had information missing or were slow to apply. This is the first batch of 42 families from a total of 483 to officially obtain building ownership rights.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 山雲

Rinari Permanent Housing Community receive ownership rights







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