
Our land, our voice

2013/02/04 16:49
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On 23rd December 2011, a group of Amis Aborigines from Makutaay, administratively known as Gangkou Village (港口), in Fengbin Township (豐濱), Hualien County, protested over the seizure of their tribal land, bringing serious  allegations against the government. In1973, the government began forcing aborigines of Makutaay to lease the land from National Property Administration; this land originally belonged to the aborigines.

Following 1988, when Hualien County Government announced that plots of land could be registered as aboriginal reserve land, the aborigines of Makutaay flocked to Fongbin Township Office to submit applications. However, in 1993, the National Property Administration shifted land ownership to the East Coast National Scenic Area Administration without a compensation deal, sparking protests among the Makutaay aborigines. The government agency apologized, but insisted that unfortunately no application data had been retained, and as a result there was nothing they could do; the event sparked a fire that has been smoldering ever since.

Makutaay aborigines said: "The mountains are our warehouse, the sea is our icebox”. This group of aborigines has deep cultural and emotional ties with the land. During this traditional ceremony the tribal people believe they communicate with ancestral spirits. However, after the police released a statement saying that the aborigines had overstepped the mark for lawful congregations and banned the event, a showdown between the police and Makutaay aborigines seemed imminent. The activity finished with aborigines planting seedlings as a symbol of their determination to fight for their land and the preservation of Makutaay cultural heritage.
Today, more than a year later, the struggle goes on.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 慈大傳播站

Our land, our voice


我們的土地 我們的聲音








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