
Solitary Grandmother receives outside aid after fire consumes home

2013/01/21 15:56
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The elderly Hong Chen-ze who lives alone in Caoshan Village, Fanlu Township, Chiayi, lost her home after it was raised to the ground in a fire. The fire swallowed up all of Hong Chen-ze’s tools, leaving her stranded in her cold mountain abode, in need of urgent help. The predicament of 72-year-old Mrs. Hong became worse after her 76-year-old husband had an accident while working in the fields. He suffered head injuries, and despite being saved from the jaws of death, was left in a bedridden state. Following illnesses, her eldest and second sons passed away in 2009 and 2012 respectively, each leaving behind three grandchildren. Due to her daughter-in-law’s poor financial predicament, Mrs Hong was forced to dip into her own meagre betel nut income to pay the schooling fees for all six grandchildren. Now, with even the roof over her head being turned to ashes, Hong Chen-ze feels an even greater sense of helplessness. Though neighbours have tried to help, residents in these outlying areas rely on the land to eke a living, and so for the majority of them, it is a case of ‘The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak’.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by 公義使者

Solitary Grandmother receives outside aid after fire consumes home



獨居阿媽 老宅遭祝融 急需外援 影音






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