
PeoPo’s New Operating System Wins User Acclaim

2013/01/21 15:43
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After operating for over five years, in December 2012, the PeoPo citizen journalism platform underwent its first comprehensive upgrade. The new version went on-line on December 10, and is the result of over eight months of diligent effort by PeoPo staff and engineers. In addition to improving the operating system, a number of problems highlighted by citizen journalists, including erotic and commercial messages as well issues with complex verification codes, have all been addressed in the new upgrade.

The new PeoPo web page is refreshingly simple, with a special emphasis on user-friendliness. Immediately upon entering into the new interface, at a glance one sees the lead story on the left, together with nine other video reports on the right.

In order to fully understand the needs of citizen journalists, PeoPo not only invited frequent users of the platform to come and test the new upgraded version, it also made a special effort of ensuring that everyone was informed of the new version’s special characteristics. On top of a visually more comfortable browser interface that clearly distinguishes the top ten lead stories, to facilitate a simpler more convenient user experience, this new version also classifies reports into ‘Northern’, ‘Central, ‘Southern, and ‘Eastern’ districts, and provides a further three ‘special zones’: ‘Indigenous Tribes’, ‘Campus News Centres’ and ‘Natural Disasters’.

The new version’s requirement for users to first sign into a personal account - for example Facebook, Yahoo, MSN or citizen reporter's account - in order to leave a message, has also solved the spam-mail problem that plagued many citizen journalists.

CJ Xie Ming-hai believes that as user numbers continue to grow, PeoPo will undoubtedly face a proportionate level of complexity in developing the platform, but for now it seems, the new interface is hitting the spot! CJ Jady feels that the new browser, with its wide-open layout and clear classification of regions, Northern, Central etc., helps the user quickly navigate the site, and makes for a tremendously user-friendly experience. CJ Sister Lotus said she is already acquainted with the new layout, and CJ Y feels the new function allowing users to drag multiple photos for uploading is a great improvement from the earlier version. CJ Tina showed particular delight at the new function allowing users to first stockpile articles for subsequent posting.

A great deal of thanks goes not only to the PeoPo team, who in the couple of months prior to the new version going online were extremely busy with continual testing, but also to numerous citizen journalists for their invaluable first-hand suggestions. Manager of the PeoPo platform, Yu Zhi-li said that this upgrade includes four key points; the implementation of a news classification system; a richer user interface; enhanced interactive features; and simplified operating procedures, providing an effective classification system for over 70,000 CJ stories, and making it easier for users to find just what they want at a glance.

PeoPo 公民新聞 by PeoPo Webcast

PeoPo’s New Operating System Wins User Acclaim



PeoPo平台轉換新系統 使用者稱讚











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