The changing story of old Jincheng’s residents
Jincheng Community (金城社區) is located on the boundary between the cities of Bade (八德) and Zhongli (中壢) in Taoyuan County (桃園), on the periphery between countryside and city. The community was founded in 1976, and in the early years many old war veterans and families came to the area to start a new life. However, as the years passed, the community structure gradually underwent a marked transformation and today the community culture is extremely diverse, composed of old war veterans, foreign spouses, indigenous people and ethnic Hakka people (閩客族群). Although Jincheng Community has a rich cultural diversity making it unique in the area, a section of the community is in urgent need of government support. In order to preserve this precious culture and historic heritage, a group from Chung Yuan Christian University (中原大學) entered into the community to record its history and provide assistance in solving community issues. A related community-building project is already in its second year and a new team is continuing with the ongoing project. The project is making use of interior design professionals to improve community spaces, and in the second half of the year will transform the home environment for the elderly, step by step, improving Jincheng’s community. Hopefully, through further promoting Jincheng’s community story, more outside attention and interest will develop still greater strength in the community.
by 八德金城工作站
The changing story of old Jincheng’s residents
老金城故事 把握稍縱即逝的榮民歲月 ( 八德金城工作站 )