
Praying for Tibetan independence to stop self-immolations

2012/11/27 15:55
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On the evening of the 9th of November, the Tibetan Youth Congress(TYC (西藏青年會)) and a number of other supporting organisations gathered outside the entrance to Liberty Square (自由廣場) in Taipei, where they held a candlelit vigil and a prayer session for those who have sacrificed themselves for the Tibetan cause. Over sixty supporters of the Tibetan cause lay down in Liberty Square in Taipei, covering themselves with the Tibetan national flag to remember those who have self-immolated. With over 70 self-immolations since 2009 – a number that is expected to rise – protesters are demanding that the Chinese government, which has suppressed freedom of religion, ends its oppressive sixty-nine year rule, gives Tibet its independence, and allows the Dalai Lama to return home. Before TYC secretary-general Tenzin Norsang made his speech he asked all those present to bow down three times in respect of those who have self-immolated. He believes that even with Chinese education and rule, the Tibetan people have never given up their freedom or the independence of Tibet. In spite of the fact that Tibetan people face the repressive policies of the Chinese Communist Party (large arrests, forced confessions through torture, and death sentences), through their own resolute determination, they choose self-immolation to highlight Tibet’s plight. The only way to solve the self-immolation phenomenon is to grant Tibet full independence.

by CJ Civil Media

Praying for Tibetan independence to stop self-immolations (by CJ Civil Media)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/103295




燃燒的圖博祈福晚會 西藏獨立 自焚才會停止 ( 公民行動影音紀錄資料庫 )






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