
The last soda drink

2012/11/12 17:49
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At the rear of Feng-Shan Elementary School in Kaohsiung City one may spot the stall of an elderly grandma selling handmade soda drinks. She has been selling her unique assortment of traditional Taiwanese beverages for over thirty years. The flavor of grandma’s handmade soda is milder than most commercially bought beverages, but most agree that the natural sweet flavor of grandma’s soda is far superior to commercially bought alternatives.

The secret of grandma’s tasty handmade soda lies in her insistence on using a traditional slow cook method to make her brown-sugar syrup, and the addition of her secret ingredient. This ensures that each and every drink prepared by grandma for her customers retains the delicious traditional local flavor. Unfortunately, in this age of globalization that brandishes the banner of ‘out with the old, in with the new’ there has been an exponential rise in convenience stores and beverage outlets, forcing grandma’s traditional business into continual decline. Without sufficient capital to invest in opening a store, it seems likely that the heritage of traditional soda making is destined to fade into obscurity. Grandma’s soda business used to be thriving, but now, with only occasional passing business, she spends much of her time whiling away the hours listening to the radio. Should grandma decide to pack up her soda stand it will simply mean that yet another traditional Taiwanese flavor, another part of our heritage, is lost to future generations. This story hopes to rekindle old memories in people, to reconnect people with the wonderful tastes of their childhood and to urge them to visit traditional stalls. Without public support for traditional food vendors, many of whom are elderly people lacking the funds to open flashy new shops, our food heritage will surely be lost forever.

PeoPo 公民新聞

The last soda drink (by CJ eyes)




最後一口沙士 ( eyes )







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