
Love in Yunlin – The mobile goods’ store

2012/10/01 12:01
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On the 21st of September, a joint press conference was held by Yunlin County Government outside the ‘Love in Yunlin’ mobile goods’ store, run by social welfare organizations in the county. Department of Social Affairs head, Ding Yanzhe, who presided over the event, said it was hoped that through this joint press conference Yunlin citizens would come out to support social welfare organizations and associated products, for example, buying Mid-Autumn Festival gifts and souvenirs on offer.

Dep. of Social Affairs head, Ding Yanzhe pointed out that the event was raised with funds from the county government’s disability welfare department and public lottery funds. A wide selection of Mid-Autumn Festival products produced by various social welfare organizations, grassroots organizations representing the weak and vulnerable, and various other NPOs (nonprofit organizations) were on display. It is hoped that by building a network of mobile goods’ stores, NPOs will be given an outlet for their merchandise. Of course it is important that citizens open up their hearts and support the community through purchasing goods, giving encouragement to the vulnerable members in our society. On seeing the high quality of products on offer from the various social-welfare groups, legislator Liu Jian-Guo was deeply moved stating that the products come about only after painstaking study and a lot of hard work, and really deserved our backing. The goodwill of public authorities and consumer support for the venture are extremely significant. It is hoped that everyone will come and give practical support through buying products from the various social-welfare organizations.

Over 10 groups from Yunlin converged together at the activity. Sales reps put on a small exhibition from the mobile goods’ store from where a selection of cultural-orientated and creative products were on sale. This included Mid-Autumn Festival products and a charity jumble sale. If anyone is interested in supporting these activities you can contact Yunlin LOHAS, which also conducts brilliant carnival-style programs and performances, epitomizing the dynamism and efforts of social welfare organizations in Yunlin.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Love in Yunlin – The mobile goods’ store
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/101048




愛在雲林-行動柑ㄚ店啟用 ( 單車小賢 )


社會處長丁彥哲指出,此次活動是縣府身心障礙福利經費及雲林縣公益彩券盈餘分配款專戶補助,現場有多項社福團體的中秋節慶產品展示,透過整合性推出承載著雲林在地弱勢團體的庇護商品、架構NPO組織聯合通路的行動柑ㄚ店,希望社會大眾用愛心一起來選購地物性商品,進而給弱勢團體的一個肯定與鼓勵。 看到社福團隊的優質商品感到感動的立委劉建國,以「三心(用心製作、苦心學習、愛心肯定)二意(公部門輔導美意、消費者支持意義)」來貼切詮釋及實際行動的選購行銷社福團體商品。






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