
I can’t live without you --- Mr. Driver

2012/09/18 18:08
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With the assistance of The Eden Social Welfare Foundation (伊甸基金會) a group of mental illness sufferers have studied to become citizen journalists to find a way to connect with and show concern for society. Through various writings and recorded footage the group wish to capture the face of modern society, and though taking the initiative feel they have earned a place as ‘citizens of society’. 

Recently, the group interviewed a bus driver with over ten years of experience on the job and a working day of 14 hours each day - including rest time - but who is fully satisfied with his job. However, with a working day from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm, and with only one day off per week – four days a month – as well as the fact that the decision of whether you get Saturday or Sunday off lies in the hands of the company, this job certainly conceals a great deal of hardship. Perhaps you imagined that driving the same route each day would be boring, but remaining enthusiastic after over a decade on the job is possible; "Although we drive the same road every day, the situations you meet each day are different, the vehicles and passengers you encounter are all different, so fortunately, I never get bored” said the driver.  So with over ten years in the driving profession, just what kind of impression does this bus driver have of people with a metal illness? The driver said: “Not every mental illness sufferer is the same, each with their own particular situation. Some are just fine and wouldn’t hurt anybody. However, others could be dangerous, and that’s not so good.”

Mental illness sufferers use disability cards so you hear three bleeps as the person swipes the card on boarding the buss. A lack of understanding from some drivers can cause doubt as to the validity of disabled-card users boarding the bus, especially when the person appears fit and able-bodied. This may cause drivers to demand proof of disability from the person. In 2007 there was the case of a young female student who used a disability card and was asked for proof of her disability. Unable to take the humiliation of such a demand she left in despair and a short time after took her own life by jumping from the roof of a building. On asked about his feelings on how to deal with such a situation, the driver responded by saying that he tries hard not to cross over anyone’s boundary and is sensitive to the difficulties faced by mental illness sufferers. He said that due to this he never asks those using a disability card to provide proof of their disability; for this reply it was clear that this driver has a great deal of respect for all mental illness sufferers.

PeoPo 公民新聞

I can’t live without you --- Mr. Driver (by CJ makechange)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/100644




不能沒有你---公車司機 ( makechange )









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