Rainbow Island Tour – New Taipei City section
The Rainbow Island Tour got under way in Kaohsiung on the 18th August and on 6th September arrived in New Taipei City. The tour contact person, A-duan said: "Today we have come to the outlying areas of New Taipei City to let gay kids know that homosexuality is not something you only see on television. We are here to provide information to anyone who needs it, and of course to put forward our hand in friendship!"
Today marks the 10th year of Taiwan Pride! However, over the past decade same-sex marriage has yet to find its way into parliament or have any importance attached to it by the Legislative Yuan. In order to distinguish this years Taiwan Gay Pride procession on October 27, the Taiwan LGBT Pride Community organized ‘Rainbow Island Tour’ two months before the event. It is hoped that the ‘Rainbow Island Tour’, will attract the participation of grassroots movements and the people of Taiwan, step by step, fighting for gender equality in Taiwan.
With the rainbow flag flying in support of gender differences and for same-sex marriage rights, this section of the tour passed through Ruifang, Shifen, Pingxi and Jingtong. The tour encouraged lots of public interaction and group photos, which helped to create lots of warmth and fun along the way. With the blistering heat of the sun, after walking all the way from Pingxi to Jingtong everyone was drenched in sweat. However, with rainbow flags held high, and lots of useful discussions about related issues, no matter how hard the going, everyone agreed that some day same-sex marriage would be given the importance and status it deserves. Even more important, however, is that supporters of the cause are beginning to stand up and be counted, expressing their position, and ensuring that their voices and actions are both seen and heard.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Rainbow Island Tour – New Taipei City section (by CJ azurechang)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/100517
彩虹環島接力-新北市的小旅行 ( 湛藍排骨 )