PETITION: Tell the Taiwan authorities take fully responsibilites for 20 neutered/spayed dogs massacre with poison 告訴臺灣當局承當 當地居民毒殺二十隻已結紮流浪狗的所有責任
To: Taiwan goverment
Taiwan has been known having a bad reputation of animal welfare. Not only the local residents in Taichung ignore animal protection law, but also threaten dog loving rescuers/caregivers to poison the strays who has been neutered and spayed (TNR) if they still keep on feeding them. According to the local loving rescuers/caregivers , it is 3rd time dog massacre in this society. They acclaim the authorities and local residents have not taken any responsibilities to get strays neutered/spayed. It ended up all puppies have been dumped either on the streets or brushes constantly year by year without people knowing or proper care. This is extremely unacceptable to slaughter 20 dogs with poison. As you can see some of the dogs were swirling on the ground with excruciating pain and some of dogs was falling to the water and drawn. They were all eyes opened and vomiting with blood. Today, we urgently ask you joining my petition to tell Taiwan authorities taking fully responsibility for this dog massacre and the ultimate goal is to push Taiwan authorities forward to protect these vulnerable animals, reinforce the animal protection law and punish this animal brutal activities. You can link to this web down below. Unpleasant pictures contend
現場照片 攝影:劉剛武
Animal protection in Taiwan is only 10 years old history and the concepts of animal welfare have been mislead by local authorities. As you can see, the local residents could slaughter those starys regardless the animal protection law upfront. It's hearbreaking and upsetting to see those dogs who couldn't speak for themself got brutally perished. Please help us save these strays and avoid further massacre by sending an urgent message now to the Taiwan authorities that this is ultimately unacceptable and they have to take fully responsibilities, and then share with all your friends.