White Scar WHY WHY WHY - 2023 November Episode WHY was the International White Scar Day established on June 29th?

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The International White Scar Center is pleased to announce the official launch of the first episode of the "White Scar WHY WHY WHY" (No More Scars) YouTube channel! This channel aims to provide the public with solutions for treating white scars and healing emotional scars, ensuring that white scars no longer disrupt people's lives, invade their privacy, or affect their social interactions.

Every fourth week, a new short video with questions will be released on the channel. You are welcome to leave your questions in the channel's comments section or send your inquiries through private messages on the Taiwan White Scar Care Association's Facebook Page. The more questions we receive, the more answers we can share with those seeking white scar treatment, making them feel less alone and not isolated in facing their challenges.


Discussion for the second issue in November 2023:

WHY was the International White Scar Day established on June 29th?

Question 1: What is the reason for establishing International White Scar Day?

Answer 1: The primary reason for establishing International White Scar Day is to raise awareness and promote important issues related to white scar treatment, especially the innovative medical technique called "White Scar Color Regeneration." White scars have long been considered as difficult-to-treat scars that can severely affect the psychological and daily lives of patients. The purpose of establishing International White Scar Day is to increase global awareness of white scar patients and share this treatment method, so more people can understand and benefit from it.


Question 2: Why was June 29th chosen for White Scar Day?

Answer 2: June 29th was chosen for White Scar Day to commemorate the birthday of the esteemed Dr.Noordhoff. Dr.Noordhoff advocated the spirit of "Love Makes Whole" and believed that congenital deficiencies, such as cleft lip and palate, could be compensated for with love. The establishment of this day aims to continue this spirit, to treat white scars, heal emotional scars, and make white scars no longer a burden for patients, passing on the message of love.


Question 3: What is the main purpose of establishing International White Scar Day?

Answer 3: The primary purpose of establishing International White Scar Day includes raising societal awareness for white scar patients and promoting the innovative treatment technique of "White Scar Color Regeneration." Additionally, it aims to improve the quality of life for white scar patients by providing solutions for treating white scars and emotional scars. The theme of International White Scar Day is "Love Passes On," emphasizing love and care and helping those troubled by white scars.


Question 4: What significance does International White Scar Day hold for white scar patients?

Answer 4: International White Scar Day is significant for white scar patients because it provides a platform for them to share their challenges, experiences, and treatment outcomes. This day also promotes the "White Scar Color Regeneration" as a new treatment technique, bringing hope to white scar patients, especially those who have been affected by self-harm, accidents, cosmetic surgeries, cesarean sections, and other reasons. Moreover, International White Scar Day helps raise global awareness for white scar patients and encourages empathy among people.


Question 5: How can the general internet users collectively promote International White Scar Day?

Answer 5: General internet users can participate in and promote International White Scar Day in various ways:

     A. Social Media Promotion: Share messages, activities, and themes related to International White Scar Day on social media. Use relevant hashtags and symbols to spread the message and increase awareness.

     B. Participate in Activities: Join International White Scar Day-related events or organize support activities locally and invite friends and family to participate.

     C. Educational Promotion: Share information and knowledge about white scars to help improve public understanding of the issue.

     D. Encourage Dialogue: Encourage open and inclusive conversations, and support white scar patients to make them feel the support and understanding of society.


By using these methods, general internet users can collectively participate in promoting International White Scar Day and contribute to improving the lives of white scar patients.


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加入時間: 2021.01.31


加入時間: 2021.01.31


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White Scar WHY WHY WHY - 2023 November Episode WHY was the International White Scar Day established on June 29th?



